Eating Healthy Food During Hard Times

As the pandemic drags on, many people may find themselves cheating on their diet. Premier Patient Housing understands the importance of eating healthy food and making sure you are providing your body with the proper energy. Without this, you may start to feel your mood deteriorate throughout the upcoming months. As we enter into a season that tends to be colder and darker, it is important to stay healthy and happy. This week, we will be discussing what foods are good for you, healthy snacks to eat in between meals, and what tp stay away from.
Healthy Food Options
Eating healthy food may seem difficult. Not to say that a healthy diet is an easy transformation, but it is definitely easier than many people think. After not giving in to old habits the first few weeks, you will find it a breeze to start eating healthier. You may even quickly see a difference in your mood. Here are some healthy food to add to your meals:
- Chicken – This is a much better alternative to eating beef. This is low in fat and calories, but very high in protein.
- Salmon – Need more vitamin D (website) in your life? This oily fish can help with that, as well as give you omega-3 fatty acids that are needed in your daily diet.
- Brown Rice – Instead of going for white rice at the store, try using brown rice. This rice contains decent amounts of fiber, vitamin B1, and magnesium.
Healthy Snacks
Aside from main staples that are added to your main meals, you may feel the need to have a treat every now and then in between meals. Here are some healthy snack ideas for when you get a little hungry.
- Almonds– These nuts contain vitamin E, antioxidants, magnesium, and fiber.
- Yogurt – Surprisingly, because yogurt has live cultures in it from the fermentation process, it contains friendly probiotic bacteria.
- Bell Peppers – You can eat this cooked or uncooked. Make them into slices and have a crunchy snack full of vitamin C.
Stay Away
Although this will be easier to say than to do, you should stay away from the following food if you can help it. If you cannot avoid these kinds of things, try to have them minimally.
- Fruit Juice – Unfortunately, most fruit juice is very high in sugar. Make sure to look at the label before you pick this item up.
- Fast Food – As convenient as fast food may be, it is also horrible to eat. Many fast food places have fried and greasy food. This can lead to high blood pressure and high cholesterol. Fight the urge to eat at these places.
- Alcohol – While alcohol may be fun at all the holiday parties and celebrations, it can also lead to many negative effects on the body. Drinking can cause anxiety, depression, and so much more. Think about your long-term health before heavily drinking during the holidays.
Do not think of this as starting a diet. Think of this as starting a new lifestyle—a healthy lifestyle. Taking the healthy route will have you feeling more energetic and happier than you have ever felt before. Start your healthy eating journey while staying with Premier Patient Housing. If you have not already booked an apartment with us, start your search today. Being close to the Texas Medical Center and not being an expensive hotel are only a couple reasons to stay with us. Browse our website for more information.