Low Impact Exercises from Home

Posted by: Brandon Zaratti
Category: Uncategorized
low impact exercises

With all the dust and mold in the air, it is easy to want to stay indoors. While staying in Premier Patient Housing, we want the best options for our guests. Premier Patient Housing does offer a pool and fitness center, but these low impact exercises can be done from the comfort of your room!

Back Strengthening Exercises

low impact abs

Although one might think back pain means bed rest, strengthening your back muscles through exercise can actually do more for you. Again, Premier Patient Housing offers great exercising for this like going to the pool, but here are a few exercises for the room.

  • Yoga – Doing yoga combines strengthening your muscles while becoming more flexible. This is a great low-impact exercise for beginners and experienced exercisers. A simple YouTube search will find some great yoga workouts.
  • Stretching – Does stretching actually count as exercise? Yes! By stretching out back muscles with stretches like having your knee come up to your chest while lying down and hamstrings stretches, your back will become stronger and have less pain.
  • Pelvic Tilt – For this, you will need to lie on your back and bend your knees. While keeping your abdomen tight, press your back flat against the floor and hold the position for about 5 seconds. If you do this about 10 times, you will have safely strengthened your back muscles.

Easy on the Knees

Sometimes exercising can be hard when you experience knee pain. Remember, before doing any exercise, you should always warm up, and that can be done as easy as taking a 2-minute walk around the apartment. By doing the following, you can still get your workout in, without the worry of hurting your knees.

  • Straight Leg Raises – Strengthen those legs without knee pain! This is great for your quads, and has little to no strain on your knees. Get in a position that you would for doing crunches, but keep on leg straight and lift it up to the height of the other resting knee. Repeat raising 10-15 times for 3 sets on each leg.
  • Wall Squats – This is for a more experienced person, but do a squat with your back leaning against the wall and only hold it for 5-10 seconds at first. As you get more comfortable, you can hold the squat longer. Having your back against the wall alleviates stress on the knees.
  • Calf Raises – Use a kitchen chair or a couch as support for this one. Raise your heels as high as you can, and then slowly lower them. As you become more comfortable, lift a foot slightly off the floor with the remaining weight on your standing foot.

Other Low Impact Exercises

Since the other exercises were geared towards helping a target area that experiences pain, why not know more general low impact work outs? These exercises still get the job done without putting too much pressure on the body. Start doing these exercises in your room today!

  • Jumping Jack – Instead of adding the forceful impact of a jump, while one leg goes out to the side, the opposite arm reaches over the body.
  • Skating” – We’re not talking about real skating here! Take one leg and diagonally place it behind your body (even further past the other leg). This looks as though you are skating when you go back and forth between legs. What a workout!
  • Standing Crunches – This alleviates the hassle of pressuring the back when doing abs. Keep the arms up and touching the head like you would for crunches on the ground. While standing, bring one knee at a time up to the same side elbow. You should feel the contraction of your abs on whichever side you are working on.

Want to know what else Patient Premier Housing can offer you during your stay? Look at some related articles here: